Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Contact Us

Our goal is to provide a convenient and safe method of contact to quickly meet your needs.

Never e-mail your account number(s), PIN or social security number. E-mail is NOT SECURE. Login to our online banking product to send secure information. If you cannot access our online banking, call, fax or send an E-mail with your name and phone number only. Contact us immediately if you suspect fraud, receive suspicious E-mails or phone calls about your account.

Call Us

You can reach us during regular business hours at (979) 297-4012.
Other options:
Brazoria Branch: (979) 798-0800
Fax Number: (979) 297-2238
Automated System: (979) 297-2424 or (800) 253-9018
Bill Pay Customer Service: (844) 702-1252.
Credit Card Customer Service: (800) 367-7576

NMLS Number

The NMLS Unique Identifier is the number permanently assigned by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry (NMLS) for each company, branch, and individual that maintains a single account on NMLS. First National Bank of Lake Jackson is registered under #416473.

Report a Lost or Stolen Card

To report a lost or stolen ATM or Debit Card during normal banking hours excluding holidays, please contact Customer Service at (979) 297-4012.

Email Us

Remember we want to serve you as efficiently as possible but DO NOT send account number(s), debit card number(s), social security number, dob, or other sensitive information by email or other insecure method.

Contact Form

Never e-mail your account number(s), PIN or social security number. E-mail is NOT A SECURE METHOD of sending this information.

Remember to help us protect your personal information by using secure methods of communication. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Discover more about First National Bank of Lake Jackson on our history page.

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